Telos Network AMA in Crypto Miners Community on Telegram | Segment 2

The Busy Bee
4 min readAug 26, 2022

Dear readers: This is the second part of the Telos Network AMA on the CryptoMiners Telegram group. Let’s see how Justin, the CEO of the Telos Foundation, responded to the questions that were randomly selected from the host’s Twitter profile.


Justin | Telos Foundation:

Great Question! So we are in the process of doing this as we speak through testing on a stagenet but using same number of nodes as mainnet etc. Its important to note that the 10k TPS number was for our native transactions not EVM. Its an old figure from a few years ago on less performant hardware than is available now. Shortly before the EVM launched we comfortably hit 3k TPS on the EVM without much effort. We are now in the middle of testing on current hardware and latest code upgrades and it looks like we will surpass 10ktps on the EVM but go many times over what we thought we could do in native transactions.

Its very hard to get the full testing done on all the other EVM’s but what we have seen is they are struggling in the low hundreds of transactions.

So we are very comfortable to conclude we are much more performant than them by a significant margin

Going away from EVM’s for a second. Solana who claims 50k TPS goes down completely in the hundreds of transactions for periods of 12 hrs. or more.

There is a lot of hype in the space unfortunately — most of its very easy to refute. With our codebase we have seen 1000s of transactions made comfortable on our network and other Antelope-based networks like wax so you can conclude a lot from that.

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Justin | Telos Foundation:

Great question again. We are really proud to have formed antelope along with these networks. We have effectively taken control into our own hands of what gets built next. Previously it was a company called block one who had their own priorities.

Together we have contributed $8m so far and will be tackling some big items like wallet SDKs, Faster Finality, IBC and so much more.

In terms of security — antelope based networks including telos have never been hacked and yet have been going for 4 years now. This is remarkable compared to some of the other codebases out there.

We already have the best proven performance — and the formation of antelope has been important to ensure that we stay ahead.

The antelope based network space is incredibly intriguing and i dare say undervalued compared to stuff built on Substrate/Polkadot

I believe we will see a lot of money and developer interest moving onto the top antelope-based networks like Telos now that the community has control of the brand and the codes development.

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Justin | Telos Foundation:

Telos ignite program is our grant and ventures program. We have committed 12 million TLOS short term to high quality projects who want to make use of our amazing network. We are investing heavily in projects bringing true innovation to web3 — our aim is to be ahead of the curve in the next hype cycle and investing in the right projects is going to deliver that.

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Justin | Telos Foundation:

In terms of real utility NFT’s two amazing projects on Telos stand out for me.

On our EVM i recommend Telland NFT — you buy pieces of real farming land in Peru and get exposure to the profits of said land

Another project I recommend is Zeptagram — Where you can own shares (and profits) from songs from artists like Britney Spears, Maroon 5 and others.

AreaX has two versions. A telos native and an evm version. I suggest you start with the EVM version if your familiar with Metamask. On you tube there are great guides for either. or

Sometimes we use the tag line #RealWorldReady — that’s because we not only have real world performance but also attract real world projects like the examples above!

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Justin | infinitybloc | Telos Foundation:

Yes, we are really strong on the areas of Environment (low energy usage, carbon neutral), Social (we employ people globally and are actively removing financial barriers) and Governance (We have structured everything in our network for high accountability to token holders and share some of the better structures and accountability from publicly traded companies)

ESG is a framework meant for publicly traded companies (fortune 500 etc.), there is a huge movement for investment to go towards ESG and Telos as a network is doing the most to identify and push what ESG should mean to blockchains and DAO’s

Like with a lot of things — it’s going to require telos to lead the way as no one else is doing the work! I feel we will get a massive first mover advantage from this though — a big thing considering the billions of ESG money on the sideline waiting to invest in blockchain.

— — That’s the wind-up of Twitter segment — -

(Proceed to Segment 3 of the AMA, >>>here<<<)
<<<back to Segment 1



The Busy Bee

Crypto trader and influencer, loves exploring tech stuffs especially on graphic arts.